Ubuntu Clipboard Managers
A short topic for NATICK FOSSGroup, 2022-05-05
The purpose of a clipboard manager is to provide more than one slot of shared clipboard so that multiple items of data can be copied in one application and then pasted into another application without two GUI context switches per item. And re-pasting something you copy-pasted an hour ago.
Slightly dated article has pros and cons, according to user's workflows, for the following clipboard managers. (Quotations are from Ubuntu Software Center short description.)
- Clipboard Indicator
"Clipboard Manager extension for Gnome-Shell - Adds a clipboard indicator to the top panel, and caches clipboard history."
- ClipIt
"Clipboard manager with features such as: Save history of your last copied items. Search through the history. Global hotkeys for most used functions. Execute actions with clipboard items. Exclude specific items from history. ClipIt was forked from Parcellite and adds many bugfixes and features to the project. "
- GPaste
"GPaste is a clipboard managing system allowing you to track and manage your clipboard history in a highly customizable way." quick access on any device." gh blog
- CopyQ
"CopyQ is advanced clipboard manager with editing and scripting features."
- Diodon
"Diodon is a lightweight clipboard manager for Linux written in Vala which "aims to be the best integrated clipboard manager for the Gnome/Unity desktop"."
- Pushy Clipboard (not in Ubuntu Software Center?)
Others in Software Center
Qlipper "A Lightweight and cross-platform clipboard history applet. It provides the following features: - saves clipboard history entries and restores them - lightweight - systray docking app - few requirements - can be used in GNOME and Windows (and more)" How to Install Qlipper Clipboard Manager on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
- clipaste
"Clipboard manager application"
- Clipto
"A comprehensive solution for convenient and efficient work with notes, snippets, clipboard, files and any other information important for
- Parcelleite
"Parcellite is a stripped down, basic-features-only clipboard manager with a small memory footprint for those who like simplicity."
- Clipman
"Clipman enables you to store and recall X selections, as well as GTK+ clipboard content. You can also define actions to be triggered by selecting some text pattern. (Xfce libs, but works with any system tray / notification area)"
Glipper - possibly the earliest Gnome Clipboard manager? Excessively stable; last release 2012; last in Ubuntu Xenial 2015.
AlternativeTo recommends CopyQ, and also Ditto, for FLOSS.