Barbara Turner (1934-2021)

William Ricker (ed)

Cary Presbyterian

2021, 2023

The following is the appreciation/obituary posted for Barbara by her church, archived here for genealogical purposes.

Cary Presbyterian also held a joint memorial service for Jim & Barbara (Dow) Turner. Video on FB or web.

A Heartfelt Farewell to Barbara Turner

December 31, 1934 - January 1, 2021

Cary Presbyterian Church
January 7, 2021

It is with deep sadness that Cary Presbyterian says goodbye to Dr. Barbara Turner, whose presence and impact at CPC were constant. Barbara was almost always here, preparing for her beloved children’s Sunday School class, or changing a church display case, or coming in to update the roll books, or to attend a Bible study. She was always doing something at church.

Barbara, a school psychologist, was an Elder, who led a non-denominational group of adults over 55 at the church. She was active in Presbyterian Women, participating in more than one circle. Barbara also served as a Stephen Minister, sang in the choir, was Cary’s liaison with our Madagascar missionaries, and was devoted to the after-school program for at-risk children, Loaves & Fishes in Raleigh. As church historian, Barbara was always taking pictures - dutifully recording pageants, baptisms, ordinations, and new member receptions - dating back to 1970, when she began helping the church secretary… and then became church secretary.

Barbara’s husband Jim died July 9, 2020. She leaves behind their son Tim, his wife Kim and many friends here at Cary Presbyterian.

More than the many things Barbara was busy doing, she was a person who had a deep relational impact upon her fellow Presbyterians. That legacy lives on in the strengthened faith, the waxing impulse to kindness, and the tireless work of those who have followed her in selfless servanthood. We will miss Barbara but are glad that she now joins the saints in the light.

If you are curious to know even more about Barbara’s work at CPC follow this linkto our description of Barbara when she was awarded an Outstanding Older Adult Award by New Hope Presbytery in 2018.

(p.47 in 2018 Outstanding Older Adult Book(pdf))

If you want to send condolences to Tim and Kim, please contact the church office at this link for their mailing address.

If you wish to make memorial gifts in memory of Barbara, you may send or bring them to the church office. We will hold them awaiting guidance from Tim about how they might be used.